Black, Female Designer Carmen Muhammad Debuts her Al Nisa Brand Designs at Torino Fashion Week in Italy
Los Angeles – Muslim American designer Carmen Muhammad debuts her Al Nisa Brand Designs modest fashions during Torino Fashion Week in Turin, Italy from June 29 – July 5.
During the highly-acclaimed fashion extravaganza, the International Design Council, Mercedes Benz and Torino is hosting the first ever segment of modest designers.
Over 125 participants from around the world are participating in this 5 day event, which includes designers, buyers, manufactures, fabric retailers, brokers, investors, etc. All designers are slated to have there own individual shows.
“There are five from the United States, and to my knowledge, I’m the only Black, female designer participating. It is so humbling. I’ve seen the profiles of a lot of the modest designers, and their designs are very impressive, and it’s evident that they have real financial backing,” Muhammad remarks.
She was invited to participate as one of the Islamic Fashion & Design Council’s (IFDC) designers, because her Al Nisa Brand Designs’ expression of true femininity.
“I’m still overwhelmed to have the opportunity as an up-and-coming Muslim designer from the United States to showcase my collection on a world stage with other modest clothing designers from around the world. For me it is extremely humbling because my collection has been inspired by my faith and my convection to righteousness as a God-fearing women,” says Muhammad. “Today we are witnessing a new era in fashion and how we define beauty. We are embracing and acknowledging that culture and lifestyle is the new expression of designers and is the go-to factor in the process of creating looks and trends,” she adds.
Muhammad thanks IFDC Chairwoman Alia Khan for the great invite, which includes an opportunity to receive the LUXURY AWARD. That comes with an invitation to showcase their collection in Paris, exclusively at Sommet International de la Mode, as well as a VIP invitation to take meetings at select luxury companies in Paris, participate in a photo shoot and more!
Djamila Kerdoun, Sommet International de la Mode founder, states it’s nice to see the historic moment where for the first time a mainstream fashion week is officially recognizing a modest fashion category through IFDC’s great global work, indicates an IFDC press release detailing the historic event.
“We’ve always tried to create more viable opportunities for everyone in the fashion and design space so that we can bring true opportunities to designers and our partners. There’s a need for the leaders of the fashion industry to consider new ways to open doors for designers otherwise fashion events can often be a futile exercise. I believe we are tapping into great potential at TFW and this is just the beginning,” states Khan in the IFDC release.
She feels the greater blessing is to experience it all after the month of Ramadan, and her journey of praying, fasting, and cleansing to become closer to Allah (God). She plans to enjoy the experience as a student and soak up all the knowledge she may receive.
Carmen Muhammad emphasis the opportunity is much bigger than the Al Nisa brand. “Participating in this event provides a gateway into an industry that has in the past not acknowledge or provided a platform for Black, female designers, who have stylish, cutting-edge designs that would appeal to the masses of stylish women regardless of their religion, race or profession – designs that are for modestly dressed women from every corner of the world, all 196,940,000 square miles of it,” Muhammad states.
About Al Nisa Brand Designs:
Carmen Muhammad established Al Nisa Designs’ roots in the mid-90’s, with timeless,tailored clothing for modestly dressed women. The force behind this passion came by way of fulfilling a much needed personal desire to be stylishly dressed as a modest, young, woman. For nearly two decades, Muhammad has provided tailored, custom clothing to women around the country. Al Nisa, “The Women,” is a brand designed to create an emotional connection to a segment of modest buyers. The collection’s pieces include tailored suiting, sportswear, special occasion dresses, denim, and a couture line. See at Al Nisa Fashion Brand Designs website / Instagram!
About Islamic Fashion and Design Council:
Islamic Fashion and Design Council (IFDC) is the world’s leading modest fashion and design council representing the Islamic economy and its stakeholders. IFDC, a leading advocate for Islamic fashion, art and design professionals and aspiring talent, has an array of products, services, and effective training programs for all levels. For more information please visit www.IFDCouncil.org.