Atlanta, GA – Five entrepreneurial-minded college students will compete for $5000 in the annual “Change Agent Tank” hosted by the Joseph and Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights on Wednesday April 12, 2017 6 – 9 PM. The Change Agents will pitch their concept to several distinguished members of the Atlanta business community along with the dean of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. Joseph E. Lowery. The competition was created to encourage Change Agents to become social entrepreneurs by combining their passion with social justice interests to create transformational initiatives and movements. The event is free and open to the public.
Last years winner, Malika Flowers, a student at Clark Atlanta University (CAU), was aware of the fact that students with limited funds often go without meals so she presented the concept for a campus pantry. Currently Mimi’s Pantry serves over 100 AUC students weekly.
“Our future depends on the students we serve, they are the Change Agents. It’s important for us to create an environment that encourages and supports social entrepreneurship,” said Cheryl Lowery, executive director, Lowery Institute.
Cheryl Lowery, executive director, Joseph & Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights
Change Agents: Alysha Conner, senior, CAU; Raphael Richardson, senior, Morehouse; Jessie Scott, sophomore, CAU; Idil Hussein, junior, Agnes Scott College; Noah McQueen, sophomore, Morehouse
Judges: Dr. Joseph E. Lowery, civil rights leader, Gail Nutt, owner, GNutt Consulting, Aaron Turpeau, president, 3 T Unlimited; Harriette Watkins, president, Watkins Group; Kent Matlock, chairman & CEO, Matlock Advertising & Public Relations; Scott Satterwhite, president, William-Josef Foundation
Change Agent Tank
DATE: Wednesday April 12, 2017
TIME: 6-9 PM
Clark Atlanta University
Thomas Cole Science & Research Center, Board Room
223 James P Brawley Dr SW, Atlanta, GA 30314
The media is invited to attend. Media should RSVP via text at 818.six one three.9521 or email edmedia (at) dogonvillage (dot) com.
The Joseph and Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights is a 501 C 3 non-profit organization established to ensure the continuity of the advocacy of Dr. Joseph E. Lowery and his late wife Evelyn Gibson Lowery’s lifelong commitment to non-violent advocacy, and the moral, ethical, and theological imperative of justice and human rights for all people. The Lowery Institute is housed in the Thomas Cole Building on the Campus of Clark Atlanta University (CAU) through a partnership agreement between the Institute and CAU.