National Urban League President Marc H. Morial Calls Skinny Budget “A Jobs and Dreams Killer”
Washington, DC – Today, National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial released the following statement after the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced their 2018 blueprint “skinny” budget:
“This budget is a jobs and dreams killer. Federal budgets are policy statements about the direction our leaders wish to take for our nation. It is therefore jarring to see a budget proposal that is so spectacularly devoid of practicality and consideration for the average American.
“Slashing the budgets of the Health, Education, Housing, and Labor departments at OMB’s recommended levels will result in a sick, uneducated, homeless and unemployed America. Equally troubling are the recommended double digit cuts or complete elimination in funding to such vital programs as the Community Development Block Grant, the Legal Services Corporation, the Senior Community Service Employment Program, and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, which helps vulnerable citizens and working families.
“The proposal demonstrates how out of touch the Administration is from the reality of Americans’ everyday life, by compounding their challenges and closing the door on opportunities in order to shore up defense.
“The National Urban League strongly urges congressional appropriators to protect the economic and employment gains made over the past decade by rejecting the Administration’s budget proposal.”