Why Is President Trump’s Only Senior Black Staffer a Democrat?
By Raynard Jackson (NNPA Newswire Columnist) – Republicans haven’t shown any serious efforts of making Blacks an integral part of their party since the Nixon Administration of the 60s and 70s.
As former Nixon speechwriter, Pat Buchanan stated in one of his columns, “In 1956, as vice president, Nixon went to Harlem to declare, “America can’t afford the cost of segregation.” The following year, Nixon got a personal letter from Dr. King thanking him for helping to persuade the Senate to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon supported the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1965, and 1968.
During Nixon’s presidency, the civil rights enforcement budget rose 800 percent. Record numbers of Blacks were appointed to federal office. An Office of Minority Business Enterprise was created. SBA loans to minorities soared 1,000 percent. Aid to Black colleges doubled.”
Nixon surrounded himself with “credible” Blacks like Bob Brown and baseball legend, Jackie Robinson. President Trump seems to be satisfied with surrounding himself with Black Democrats like Omarosa Manigault, who have absolutely no standing in the Black community, nor any institutional knowledge of Black Republicans or the Republican Party.
President Trump, would you hire a carpenter to do electrical work on one of your development projects? Would you ask NBA legend Michael Jordan to diagnose your sick child’s medical condition? Would you ask your chauffer to pilot your plane?
The only obvious answer to each of the above questions is, “Hell No!”
So, why then, Mr. President, do you think it is okay to hire a liberal, Black Democrat to be the highest-ranking Black staffer in your White House?
President Trump, you and your staffers have met with more liberal Blacks than Black Republicans who have been working in the trenches for the party.
We get it. Manigault is an alumna of your hugely successful, reality show franchise. You have a personal relationship with her. You trust her. I say, so what. I have a personal relationship with my physician, but I don’t go to him for tax advice.
President Trump, you must make a decision. If your goal is to build the Republican Party into a quasi-Independent Party, then having Manigault around makes sense, but if your goal is to build the Republican Party relative to the Black community, then your decision doesn’t make any sense. You have told the American people incessantly that you like to hire “very successful” people, but it seems when it comes to the Black community you have a lower standard.
President Trump, how can you have a Black History event in the White House with not one Black media outlet being invited? Why were a majority of the Black attendees Democrats?
If you had one of your tax lawyers or your personal physician doing the masonry work or laying the rebar on one of your construction sites, you would be sued for gross negligence.
But, yet you seem to be okay with having a Black Democrat in your White House, who totally ignores the very people who were part of getting you elected. And I am not referring to your so-called diversity council; they were a joke.
You received less than 10 percent of the Black vote and those votes came from Black Republicans who thought you would shake up the party establishment and finally pay attention to those who have been Black Republicans for decades not fair-weather Republicans or recently converted Democrats.
You don’t understand how offensive that is to Black Republicans all across the country, who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into getting more Blacks in the Republican Party. Manigault has no idea who the real, credible Black Republicans are.
When your Chief of Staff attempted to rein Manigault in last month, she pretty much cursed him out and when he came to you on this matter, supposedly you said, “leave her alone.”
Mr. President, there are only four Blacks on the RNC: Ada Fisher (North Carolina), Glen McCall (South Carolina), Robin Armstrong(Texas), and James Evans (Utah). They have little to no contact with you or your administration. How is that even possible when they are basically members of the party’s board of directors?
In 2014, Manigault tweeted, “I’m Ready for Hillary. Are you? #Hillary2016.” On April 12, 2015, she tweeted, “So proud to know her and support her! Run Hillary Run! #HisStoryisNowHerStory!”
Two months later you make your famous announcement to run for president and all of a sudden she switches over to you. Charlatans have their place in politics, but not if you want to get a significant level of Black support.
President Trump, you say you are a man of results and one who is loyal. So, then can you please explain to me why you and your staff are bending over backwards to meet with Blacks who have called you a racist, incompetent, and stupid just to name a few?
When will you show your loyalty to “real” Black Republicans who have party credentials, as well as know what the hell they are doing when it comes to politics?
Come on Mr. President, what the hell do you have to lose?
Raynard Jackson is founder and chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party. BAFBF focuses on the Black entrepreneur. For more information about BAFBF, visit www.bafbf.org. You can follow Raynard on Twitter @Raynard1223.