Join Greater Atlanta National Council of Negro Women for their holiday gala Sat. Dec. 10, 6 PM at the Omni Hotel in Atlanta.
Featuring Ballethnic Dance Company & Adam L. McKnight, Poetry by Hank Stewart, Phillippia & Blaze One Band. For tickets www.greateratlantancnw.org or Paypal.
Please join the National Council of Negro Women, Greater Atlanta to celebrate the joyous holiday season and honor outstanding trailblazers during their 1st Annual Holiday Gala, themed “Harlem Nights, A Renaissance of Opportunity and Change”.
The evening features live entertainment, dancing, and a silent auction. This is an event you do not want to miss!
The event will be held at the Omni Hotel Atlanta with General Reception at 6:00PM and Dinner at 7:00PM.
Get your tickets now!
Cost: $85 per person. Tickets can be purchased through PayPal.
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