By Lincoln Blades Rolling Stone – During Donald Trump’s closing remarks at last week’s debate – an event noteworthy for Trump’s refusal to say he’d accept the results of the election if he loses – the Republican nominee made his case to minority voters. “Our inner cities are a disaster. You get shot walking to the store. They have no education. They have no jobs. I will do more for African-Americans and Latinos than [Hillary Clinton] can ever do in 10 lifetimes,” he said, echoing his previous “What the hell do you have to lose?” pitch to African-American voters, an important voting bloc this election.
Trump Won by Turning Bigoted Dog Whistles Into Megaphones
Trump supporters like him because he forcefully says the prejudicial stuff they believe
By now, it’s clear Trump doesn’t care about black Americans, and his debate performance last Wednesday solidified that. Because if Trump truly cared about “the blacks,” as he’s called us, he would’ve vigorously walked back his comments about monitoring polling places and would not have further insinuated that the election results might be illegitimate, given our nation’s long history of voter intimidation and election violence targeted at African-Americans.
When it comes to being victimized in the name of voting, no group has suffered such savagery and indignity as the black community. This is, after all, a nation where black folks were pronounced only three-fifths of a person for the sake of proportional representation in the Electoral College for nearly a century before the 15th Amendment prohibited state and federal governments from denying citizens the right to vote based on their race or color. Read the full story at RollingStone.com.