On Tuesday August 30, 2016 Orlando Florida District 46 residents can elect a young, energetic, outspoken leader to represent them in the Florida House of Representatives. The 20-year veteran activist and community organizer was born into a labor union family and learned early on the importance of receiving a livable wage, having adequate health insurance, and the need for paid sick leave. Meade is also able to connect with the needs of the community drawing from her experience as a teenage mother and one-time single mom of four young black sons and one daughter.
The wife of Desmond Meade, an ex-con-turned-attorney who is leading efforts to restore voting rights to almost two million disfranchised Floridians, Sheena Meade has first-hand knowledge of the challenges and impact of felon disfranchisement policies and other policies that hinder successful reentry due to barriers that make it harder for formerly incarcerated people to find adequate housing and employment. The former coordinator of Florida Black Youth Vote! recognizes the role criminal justice reform can play in increasing public safety, and the fact that a significant number of District 46 residents face these challenges on a daily basis.
Says Meade, “The public is frustrated with the same-old politics dominated by the same-old elected officials. I feel passionate about bringing new ideas and energy into the Florida House of Representatives. I can relate to the daily challenges of everyday citizens in Florida and I will fight for policies that will create opportunities for those people. I am also passionate about being a positive influence in the lives of the young people of District 46. I want to give them a reason to vote.”
To donate, volunteer or find more information visit www.sheenameade.com or connect with her on Facebook: sheenameadedistrict46 twitter: @sheena_meade.