Orlando, FL – After weeks of regional events designed to welcome every voice within the Democratic party, the full Platform Committee voted to advance the most ambitious and progressive party platform in history. The 187-member committee met to consider amendments to the draft platform that was approved by the Platform Drafting Committee in St. Louis, Missouri on June 25th. Developed through an open, inclusive, and transparent process, the document contains substantive solutions and ideas on important issues including Wall Street reform, fixing our broken immigration system, expanding Social Security, and honoring our tribal nations.
From taking on systemic racism to protecting women’s rights and making historic investments into good paying jobs, the draft 2016 Democratic platform represents the full diversity of the Democratic party. The platform reaffirms our commitment to not only find common ground, but to seek higher ground. It reflects hundreds of hours of deliberation, the testimony of 144 witnesses, thousands of comments from experts, elected officials, advocates, and everyday Americans, and issues championed throughout the primary process by both Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders.
“As we conclude this unprecedented platform process, I am truly delighted to see the way in which we as Democrats have engaged in substantive debate and responsible dialogue around the most important issues facing our nation. The progressive platform that we will present during the Democratic National Convention outlines strategies to support working families, reassures that healthcare is a right and ensures our nation’s safety and security. Though our discussion has often been passionate, this process ensured all voices were heard and allowed us to emerge united and ready to support our nominee for President.”
“Our platform is evidence that Democrats from all walks of life can work together to propose thoughtful and meaningful solutions to the challenges faced by American families. From improving our public education system to proposing measures to combat the reality of climate change, the Democratic Party is taking historic steps to brighten the future of our children. I am proud to say tonight’s advancement of such a bold, progressive platform is the direct result of a transparent and open process where every voice was heard and every opinion was respected.”
“I had no doubt that through this process Democrats would come together and articulate a clear progressive vision for our Party and the future of this nation. From abolishing the death penalty to fighting for higher wages, the platform we developed together is worthy of the Americans who faithfully elect Democrats up and down the ballot each election cycle. Democrats reaffirmed our commitment to addressing the needs of everyday Americans, refusing to allow right wing extremists to unravel the progress we have experienced over the past eight years under President Obama. When Democrats gather in Philadelphia, the world will see an inclusive vision that stands in stark contrast to the hateful and divisive policies Republicans have proposed for our nation.”
“From Washington, to Phoenix, to St. Louis, and now in Orlando, the members of the Drafting and the full Platform Committee have brought the broad spectrum of our party and the best ideas of our campaigns to our party’s platform. They’ve done it with healthy and enthusiastic debate, and ultimately proved without a doubt that we are stronger together. After five and a half years as Chair of the DNC, I could not be more proud of the fact that this platform is poised to be the most progressive, inclusive and ambitious one in the Democratic Party’s history.”