I Am The Greatest!
By C. Dwayne West- Muhammad Ali’s death over the weekend has drawn tributes from near and far. All of the coverage, regardless how repetitive, had me mesmerized to the screen each time I heard his name mentioned. I could not get enough of his image and triumphant story being told. There were a few times when the commentators got a little over the top, especially when I kept hearing them say how ‘Ali fell under the (spell) of Malcolm X.’
Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because Ali stayed true to his Faith regardless of all the haters in his early career and in his later life. I’m sure there were pockets of places on the planet earth where people hated and despised the Champ. So be it. I see haters every day, no one is immune from it, regardless as to if you’re the President of the United States, a young soldier on the concrete jungles of urban America or a hustler trying to build a relevant digital news organization by telling the TRUTH. Hate is always at your front door. The key is to drown out the background noise and keep fighting.
These Works of Words describe exactly how I feel about the life of Ali and his death. Ironically, I’m not SAD about his passing….. Ali lived doing it ‘his way’ and served humanity, even through his greatest battles. He deserved to rest, finally. What more can he do? Let me say that Ali was an innovator and a strategist; he was an inventor and CEO of the boxing game. I loved his game plan for survival, he scripted the perfect life for himself, and welcomed all to not just watch his journey, but to create your own pathway to prosperity and FREEDOM!
If anything, I’m saddened for mankind. Because WE honor a man whom none of US can measure up to–never in all OUR combined lives. But I’m hopeful that men, in particular, will stand up and grow up, and understand that we’re all in this together, whether through life or death. But unfortunately, most men and women that I encounter today, have no idea what being free really means. They are either blind or have no love for black people, nor themselves.
When you don’t fight and stand up for causes that better your community, then you have lost your will and ability to be a part of that community. Elected officials, local business people, community activists and pastors who ignore the cries of the common man, the very people that Ali stood up for, in that he was known as ‘The People’s Champ,’ you have no place in society. You have no place in my community. I bet God is feeling so very confused by Negroes today. He said, ‘I gave you Muhammad Ali, and others, to model your lives after, and what do the bulk of you do? NOTHING!
So now for instance, when the time comes for politicians to come knocking on doors begging for votes, and business people pushing their products, and when churches swindle its trusted congregation out of their money; and when activists make you believe that they love the hood, remember Ali….. and punch them in their guts!
I also love his wife (Lonnie)….she served and supported Muhammad during the most difficult of times in his life. Did you know that Ali met Lonni when she was six years-old, right before he fought Sonny Lister, in his early 20’s? Ali autographed a picture for her, never knowing that 30 years later they would meet again, and she would become his wife; the most important person in Ali’s life. Lonnie served him throughout his physical transformation and his spiritual journey. She never left his side up until his death. What an amazing love story that has been lost.
My greatest HERO has died….! No man has lost and gained so much for his convictions and personal beliefs. Ali is why I talk so much mess! and Ali is why I write to differ, when I write, what I write. I am the GREATEST….in my mind. I’m flawed and imperfect, but if I don’t believe, who will? Until the next edition….. Peace and One Love.
I Write to Differ…..