NCBCP Black Youth Vote Convenes over 400 Black Men and Boys on Capitol Hill to Organize Around Moving From Protest to Policy to the Polls
Over 400 black men and boys attended the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s (NCBCP) Black Youth Vote (BYV) 2016 Day on Capitol Hill. Organizing around the theme, “Moving From Protest to Policy to the Polls,” the young men came together to strategize for the upcoming election and visited elected officials to discuss priority issues including jobs, education, criminal justice reform, fatherhood and voting rights.
They also addressed the importance of increasing incentives and support to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and attract more black male teachers and educators.
Speakers and attendees included BYV! Hill Day national coordinator Rev. Tony Lee, pastor Community Hope AME; Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO); Melanie L. Campbell, NCBCP president and CEO; Daniel Bradley, BYV Black Male Initiatives national coordinator; Sherman Justice, BYV!, NCBCP Black Male Initiative Fellow; and Desmond Meade, president, Florida Rights Restoration Coalition.