Forbes Contributor John Zogby Says Trump Win is Possible Even Though He Has Alienated Large Swaths of Voters
(Forbes.com) – By any objective and traditional standard, there should no way that Donald Trump should be able to win the presidency in November. He has alienated large swaths of voters and, while some of these key groups (women, non-whites, Muslims, Latinos) would probably not be voting for a GOP candidate anyway, he could actually be motivating them to come out to vote against him.
He has also enraged and frightened a significant numbers of leaders and voters within his own party. Any Republican candidate comes into a presidential race with the cards stacked against him anyway. The lowest electoral college performance among any Democrat in the past six elections was John Kerry in 2004 and he received 257 electoral votes of the 270 needed. Al Gore won 269, and all the others (Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) won majorities twice each.
Read the full story at Forbes.com.