Beyoncé Gets Gangsta with her Haters, Selling “Boycott Beyoncé” Merchandise at Concerts
It looks like Beyonce is more gangsta than Jay Z. I guess she found a way to kill two birds with one clothing line. She’s no the new leader behind the “Boycott Beyoncé” movement. She’s making money whild sending a clear message to her haters that if they don’t like her the messages in her music, don’t buy it! I like Beyonce more and more everyday.
Since her formation tour and outstanding performance at the super bowl that included women in berets that many compared to the Black Panthers, people have decided to “boycott Beyonce.” It gain a little momentum after her new visual album included a reference to Malcolm X and scenes of the mothers of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin with photos of their deceased sons. Beyonce snaps back by turning the protest into a money-making venture. That’s the way to take the power out of negativity. What makes people think Beyonce or anyone else doesn’t have the right to support whatever political and social issue they choose.
I am proud of Beyonce and her team and will buy her newest CD which I still call album so you know I’m a new customer.