Nina Turner: Black support for Hillary is just ‘brand loyalty’
Edrea Davis – Ms. Nina Turner just completely insulted Black people. I like her but this time she was way off. Saying Black support for Hillary Clinton is just brand loyalty is equivalent to saying Black people voted for President Obama because he is Black. I am an intelligent woman and can think beyond the hype. I was undecided but some of the people in Burnie Sanders’s crew are pushing me toward Hillary Clinton. She has her issues, a lot, but she is best qualified. John Kasich is about the only one not acting like a child in a school yard.
As far as I can see, none of the candidates- Democrat or Republican- were knocking themselves out for Black folks before they started running for office so let’s take what they did out of the equation and I want to hear what they’re going to do for the Black community if they get elected. How about that?