C. Dwayne West Commentary: You Can’t Compare Police Shootings of Unarmed Men to Violence by Criminals
C. Dwayne West / MG Media – I hear silly people comparing the senseless killings of people within select communities with the police shooting of unarmed men or boys, and in some cases, in the back! These silly people ask how can residents complain about law enforcement murdering guilty or innocent people when dysfunctional individuals commit crimes against their own community?
This has to be the dumbest comparison ever! It’s like apples and oranges! Law enforcement is paid to do a particular job. Their work description does not, at least on paper, highlight that cops randomly shot and murder people, especially if they’re innocent until proven guilty. Their slogan is to ‘Serve & Protect.’ Not to mention that the very people that they sometimes execute contribute to paying their salaries. That alone makes the comparison irrelevant.
The ignorant, lost, confused and mostly mentally ill person who shoots, injures and or kills people are not employed to uphold the law within the communities in which they live, play and hardly work. Again, that alone makes the comparison totally invalid. One is sworn-in to perform a designated responsibility. While the other has absolutely no responsibilities, not even to life, and theirs included.
Neither is obligating their responsibility to humanity, for that matter. Neither is upholding the law of ‘thou shall not kill thou neighbor.’ Neither has any respect for select communities, nor do they exercise constraint when associating with the least of ‘thees’ in those communities. But in the case of the cop, regardless how unlawful a certain so-called criminal may be, the officer does not get paid to kill because of his bigotry or hatred for himself and or others.
If anybody, and I mean anybody, deserves to be shot mercifully, it’s people like Bernie Madoff or Ken Lay. These two men purposefully wrecked havoc on the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people. And regardless of their horrific and unthinkable crime against humanity, neither ever faced being shot by law enforcement. We’ve never heard of either man being treated with disrespect by the very officers who apprehended them during their massive decade long crime spree.
These two corporate criminals prompted thousands to lose their jobs, have homes repossessed, and caused BILLIONS in losses as they stole from innocent victims; many who committed suicide knowing that their life-savings were totally wiped out by these horrible, greedy men. If anyone should be massacred on the streets, it should be these two and many others who targeted the least of thee. Actually, Lay couldn’t imagine being imprisoned, so he killed himself. But the cops didn’t do it!
Do the police go with intent to kick in criminals like Madoff or Lay’s doors and shoot these probably ‘armed’ white men? Heck NO! Therefore Mr. Police, whether some of these young boys are ‘gangbangers’ or not, you do not have the green light to kill at will in my community. And we definitely don’t pay for you to do so! Until the next edition….. Peace and One Love.
I Write to Differ…..