Urgent Action Alert: Tell Your Senators to Swiftly Confirm Loretta Lynch as the First African American Woman U.S. Attorney General
By Marc Morial – U.S. Attorney Lynch has distinguished herself as a highly experienced, independent lawyer dedicated to equal justice under the law. In addition, Ms. Lynch would represent major progress by becoming the nation’s first African American woman to serve as U.S. Attorney General.
Loretta Lynch’s credentials speak for themselves. She holds a powerful record as a proven leader within the Department of Justice. Throughout her 30-year career, she has distinguished herself as a tough and fair lawyer who has twice headed one of the most active and effective U.S. Attorney’s offices in the country. Loretta Lynch has already received support from the United States Senate when it unanimously confirmed her twice as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York – in 1999 and again in 2010.
Support for Loretta Lynch as the next U.S. Attorney General is far-ranging and diverse. On the second day of her confirmation hearing, no one on the panel of nine witnesses who testified opposed her nomination. She has received support from twenty-five former United States Attorneys from both Republican and Democratic administrations. Loretta Lynch will serve as an outstanding Attorney General and must be confirmed swiftly by the Senate.
To read Senator Patrick Leahy’s (D-VT) statement on Lynch’s nomination click here.
Also to read Senator Patrick Leahy’s recount of Lynch’s support to include from the National Urban League click here.