Author Dannell Booker Unleashes the “Love Is Painful Sometimes” Urban Erotica Trilogy Series
Los Angeles – Tall, dark and sublimely handsome, author pens his erotica just like he looks – tall, dark and hands on! With the announcement of his “Love Is Painful Sometimes” trilogy and the release of the novel, “Taking All Our Good Black Men,” the first book from the series, from his publishing house L.I.P.S. Books, readers had best be forewarned. Booker unabashedly blurs the borders between erotica and romance for a pulsating literary experience that defies constraint or control. Potently mixing poetry and prose with impassioned detail and wit, Booker’s sexual prowess with his pen pumps, pulsates and personifies desire and lust!
“Taking All Our Good Black Men,” begins the seduction with its ambiguous title. Well-written erotica is all about the taking…and the giving, but Booker plunges deeper with a plot that twists, turns and tricks. Kenya and her girlfriend, Hayley, are two chic young attorneys at one of Los Angeles’ most aggressive law firms. The two lovely ladies have everything going for them, fabulous jobs, fabulous shoes, and yes, fabulous men. Double dating around town and the world leads to some serious underhanded double dipping when Kenya suspects her man being unfaithful with her friend. The disclosure of the true culprit serves as a lesson for women who think that they have all bases covered, including heartfelt advice from their gay best friend. Booker’s revelations about the “boy’s club” runs a steamy plot paralleled alongside his luscious literary ode to the ravishes of sizzling foreplay, sweltering sex and unadulterated expressions of love.
Booker initially developed his interest in storytelling at a young age, devouring books and reading whatever he could get his hands. A self-confessed recluse, his pen performs as his alter ego. Quiet and reserved in person, as an author, he pounds, he penetrates and he pushes, infusing his erotica with fervor.
A true introvert at heart, Booker began writing as a means for fuller expression. As an adult, his curiosity for life took him on travels throughout Europe, where one day, he sat down in his flat in London and began to write three distinctly different novels simultaneously. Upon returning to the states, he still found himself out of touch with society and remained reclusive, working odd jobs and ghostwriting for others, before turning his sights on his new series, “Love is Painful Sometimes.”
Offers Booker, “I especially wrote the “Love is Painful Sometimes” series for women; women of power, women of color and women of intelligence. My words are like an old school R&B serenade. I give the reader something they can feel, layered, textured and intensely attentive. I want my readers to experience my words, my thoughts, my emotions like a strong hand caressing the back of their necks, before moving down to the small of the back.”
In addition to “Taking All Our Good Black Men,” Booker will release “Big Girls Need Love Too!” and “Dog Them and They’ll Love You Forever” as part the final components of the Love Is Painful Sometimes / L.I.P.S. Book series. Uncover what Dannell Booker has in store for you at http://lipsbooks.com/ .
NOTE TO MEDIA: For interview requests contact jazzmynepr at gmail.com.