Mom Jailed for Letting 9-Year-Old Daughter Play at Park Near Job
Posters note: This story is absolutely outrageous and I hope people across the nation weigh in on how wrong it is to arrest a mother for letting her child go to the park. We were raised in a good family in NJ and during the summer when we weren’t in camp we would go from the town pool to the park at 9 or 10 years old. Just think, we didn’t have cell phones back then. My friends who were allowed to go to the park on their own are now doctors, lawyers, teachers etc. This is foolish.
Story from TheRoot.com —
According to ABC 6, Debra Harrell has been charged with unlawful conduct toward a child for allowing her 9-year-old daughter to play in a park while Harrell worked at a nearby McDonald’s.
The 9-year old was approached by an adult at the park who asked her where her mother was. When the girl answered that her mother was at work, the adult called the police.
It seems there’s more to the story than blatant neglect. Reason magazine reports that Harrell gave her daughter a cellphone and that the girl would eat lunch at the McDonald’s where her mother works.
Harrell’s daughter usually came to work with her mother and played on the family laptop. Unfortunately, the laptop was stolen, and Harrell’s daughter asked if she could play at the park instead.
The girl was unharmed, but local residents say that she was still put in danger. Read the story at TheRoot.com: www.theroot.com