MomsRising Fights Childhood Obesity, Hosting Food Power Conference & Special Screening of Award-Winning Film “Soul Food Junkies”
New York – In an effort to promote healthy eating habits and help reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity, MomsRising will bring together moms, dads, bloggers, and community activists for a “Food Power” conference, Sat. March 2, 11 AM – 3 PM at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott 333 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY. The free event is open to the public. For conference information call 917.407.3018.
The conference will feature a special screening of the award-winning documentary “Soul Food Junkies” followed by a Q&A with the film’s director, Byron Hurt.
“Soul Food Junkies” offers a sometimes humorous exploration of the Black community’s affinity to foods like fried chicken, fat-flavored collard greens, and fried pork chops despite the fact that these foods increase risks for diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, stokes, heart disease and obesity. Inspired by the premature death of his father, Hurt traces the origins of soul food back to slavery and encourages healthier approaches to soul food preparation. The film features appearances from activist/comedian, Dick Gregory; poet, Sonia Sanchez; writer, Michaela Angela Davis; and commentator Marc Lamont Hill.
“The film screening is an entertaining and fun way to start the conversation about healthy eating. It also helps to connect the audience with the issue on a more personal level since most of us know someone who has suffered from one of these life-threatening diseases,” said Monifa Bandele, campaign director, MomsRising. “The conference will provide an opportunity for community-members and experts working in the field of nutrition to network, and learn about the latest developments on school foods, food marketing to kids, and children’s access to healthcare.”
Participants in the “Food Power” conference will also discuss breastfeeding and access to children’s health care and how to build powerful organizing, social media and blogging skills.
MomsRising (MomsRising.org), the online and on-the-ground grassroots organization with more than 1.1 million members, is focused on challenging childhood obesity through improving school meals and supporting programming that raises awareness and empowers the community to make healthier food choices. The issue of nutrition and the role of schools foods in contributing to childhood obesity is gaining currency. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently opened up a 60-day comment period on their updated national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold through vending machines and a la carte lines.
Speakers at the Food Power conference include: Monifa Bandele and Karen Showalter of MomsRising; Dr. Aletha Maybank, NYC Dept. of Public Health; dream hampton, MomsRising.org; Migdalia Rivers, LatinaOnAMission.com; Tanya Fields, Brown Girl Swagger; Lorraine Gonzalez, Children’s Defense Fund; Jessica Donze Black, Kids Safe and Healthful Foods; and Joy Spencer, Center for Digital Democracy, among others.
The issue of nutrition and the role of schools foods in contributing to childhood obesity is gaining currency. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently opened up a 60-day comment period on their updated national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold through vending machines and a la carte lines.