1. VERIFY your Registration Status & Your Poll Location BEFORE Election Day by calling your Board of Elections, 1-866-MYVOTE1 or visit ww.unityvoterempowermentcampaign.org.
2. Be sure to TAKE PROPER ID TO VOTE. Check ID requirements for your state in advance at www.costoffreedom.info.
3. VOTE EARLY or Absentee Ballot if you know you will be out of town on Election Day.
4. DON’T BE AFRAID TO REQUEST HELP from poll workers they are there to help YOU.
5. YOU HAVE A RIGHT to file a complaint if your rights have been violated. For legal assistance call 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
6. STAND YOUR GROUND – if there is a problem at the polls you have a right to cast a provisional ballot if you are certain you are a registered voter.
7. VOLUNTEER to be a poll worker or monitor in your community at www.ncbcp.org.
About The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s (NCBCP) Unity ’12 Campaign
The NCBCP Unity ’12 Campaign, in partnership with A. Philip Randolph Institute and 40 other national and state-based organizations and affiliates, is leading its non-partisan voter empowerment efforts in fourteen states through its Black Youth VoteiThink 2012, Black Women’s Roundtable Power of the Sister Vote and Foot Soldiers for Democracy initiatives.
The Unity Campaign will have coordinators on the ground on Election Day and will also host a command center in Washington DC offering updates on ground operations. States include: AL, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MS, NC, OH, PA, VA, WI.
For more information on the Unity ’12 Campaign visit www.unityvoterempowermentcampaign.org or www.ncbcp.org. To interview state coordinators email: edmedia@dogonvillage.com.