The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s Statement on the Court’s Decision on Florida’s Restrictive Voter Registration Law
Washington, DC – Following are statements from Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (The National Coalition) and convener, Black Women’s Roundtable and Salandra Benton, director of The Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Florida Black Women’s Roundtable regarding the recent court decision on Florida voting law (H.B. 1355).
Melanie L. Campbell said, “The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation is pleased wit
h Florida Judge Hinkle’s decision to block enforcement of key provisions of Florida’s restrictive election law that was forcing community organization’s to terminate their voter registration drives.”
Campbell continues, “As a community-based organization that has registered over a million new voters over the years in our efforts to increase African American participation in the political process, we recognize that these new laws are clearly voter suppression tactics that threaten the right of citizens to participate in the democratic process. These restrictive laws are not addressing fraud, they are modern-day poll taxes designed to remove eligible voters from our democracy.
“We applaud Judge Hinkle for his bold decision to issue an injunction and commend all of the organizations that are continuing the fight against these blatant attempts to disenfranchise minorities, senior citizens, students and other low-income people. The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, its members and affiliates will continue to Stand Our Ground for Change in Florida and other states across the country attempting to prevent citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote,” said Campbell.
Salandra Benton, director of The Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation, the state affiliate of The National Coalition, adds, “This is not only a victory for community organization’s like ours, who are on the ground registering voters and advocating for voter’s rights everyday; but it’s a victory for every eligible voter especially our young first-time voters and the elderly who are disproportionately impacted by these restrictive laws. They will benefit greatly from this ruling.”
Founded in 1976, the NCBCP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to increasing African American participation in civil society. The current programs and initiatives of the organization include Black Youth Vote!, Black Women’s Roundtable, a Black Men & Boys Initiative and the Unity 2012 Voter Empowerment Campaign.
NOTE TO MEDIA: Melanie L. Campbell and Salandra Benton are available for interview. Contact Edrea @ edmedia…at…dogonvillage.com.