The American People are Watching: Congress Needs To Focus on the Serious Issues America Faces and Stop the Attack on Attorney General Eric Holder
By Melanie L. Campbell – On Thursday the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for withholding documents involving the botched Fast and Furious weapons operation which started under a previous administration.
A very serious investigation into this failed operation is underway. Lives were lost so there is absolutely no room for political theatrics or a “partisan” investigation. However, instead of focusing on the facts related to the investigation, the House of Representatives appears to be on a witch-hunt to smear Attorney General Holder’s reputation in order to gain political points in the 2012 election cycle.
The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Black Women’s Roundtable and Black Youth Vote stand with our colleagues in the civil and human rights community in support of Attorney General Holder.
We want the House of Representatives – and anyone else who wants to play political chicanery in such a critical time in our nation – to know that the American people are watching, most especially women, youth and our children.
I believe that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had it right when she stated recently that these attacks and threats to hold Attorney General Holder in contempt are a veiled attempt to smear his name in the court of public opinion with the goal of distracting him from doing one of his critical jobs as attorney general —and that is to protect the Voting Rights of all Americans.
Attorney General Holder has been very strong in fighting against voter suppression laws being passed in Florida, South Carolina and other states across the country. We believe that his determination to ensure that all voters are protected and can vote without fear or intimidation has resulted in an attack on him personally.
Since the bottom dropped out in 2008, countless people in America are hurting. The American people expect for our Congress to do its job in a bi-partisan manner. We the people expect for Congress to get about the business of helping to create jobs by passing a comprehensive jobs bill, protecting the rights of victims by reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act before Congress recesses for 4th of July break, and passing other key legislation that is needed to ensure that our country continues to be the best it can be as a nation and global leader.
The American people want Congress to focus on building a better country where there is opportunity for all and allow Attorney General Holder to continue his aggressive efforts to protect the rights of the American people.
The people are watching.
Melanie L. Campbell is president and CEO National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Convener, Black Women’s Roundtable (www.ncbcp.org)