National Coalition on Black Civic Participation Commends Justice Dept for Blocking TX Voter ID Law
Melanie L. Campbell, president and CEO of The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and convener of Black Women’s Roundtable, issued the following statement about the Department of Justice’s rejection of the new voter ID law in Texas:
“We support the US Department of Justice’s decision to oppose the law passed in Texas last year requiring voters to show a photo ID, and hope that similar laws passed in other states are also struck down. While these restrictive voter ID laws are being passed under the guise of preventing voter fraud, states passing these discriminatory laws have not provided evidence of significant instances of in-person voter fraud that would justify the changes.
“We appreciate and commend the Justice Department for their due diligence in recognizing the voter ID laws for exactly what they are – a ploy to disenfranchise American voters. These new voting rights laws that are popping up around the country are merely a tactic to circumvent the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and apply a modern-day poll tax. The Texas voter ID law would have put an unfair burden on poor, minority and disabled voters, students and senior citizens and could have resulted in preventing thousands of citizens from exercising their right to vote. We thank the Justice Department’s civil rights division for their commitment to protecting the integrity of the democratic process.
“As courts across the country review and dispute these new laws, The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Black Women’s Roundtable Power of the Sister Vote, and our youth initiative, Black Youth Vote!, will continue our efforts to alert the black community about new voting laws, educate them on the issues, and encourage them to vote absentee, early, or on Election Day.”