President’s State of The Union Address Embraces National Urban League
Washington, DC – President Obama’s vision for “An American Built To Last,” as described in tonight’s State of the Union address, stands firmly upon National Urban League policy proposals for job growth, education and economic empowerment, Marc H. Morial, National Urban League President and CEO, said tonight.
The President’s focus on the importance of job training coincides with the release of the National Urban League’s Plan to Educate, Employ & Empower, which can be found at www.iamempowered.com.
“The President’s vision for a nation where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules is possible only students are prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st Century economy,” Morial said. “That means a robust Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum in every classroom. It means redesigned funding formulas to balance the level of investment among states, districts and schools. It means raising the urgency of employment and education reform to the top of our national news headlines.”
Through its network of 97 affiliates, the Urban League Movement serves as economic first responders, touching the lives of more than 2.1 million people each year.
The President reaffirmed a commitment to the basic American promise that if you work hard, you can do well enough to raise a family, own a home, and put a little away for retirement.
“The President talked about a renewed economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values,” Morial said. “Two of the key pillars of the National Urban League 12-Point Jobs Plan focus on manufacturing and clean energy. We have long advocated for incentives that promote the purchase of American manufactured goods by federal, state and local governments, agencies and authorities, and the encouragement of investment in businesses that promote alternative energy and conservation.”
The National Urban League’s 12-Point Plan calls for targeted tax inducements for clean energy investment in urban areas, programs encouraging urban building retrofits for improved energy efficiency, and initiatives to increase the efficiency of regulatory approvals .
“It all comes down to opportunity,” Morial said. “Most Americans that hard work should pay off, and responsibility is rewarded. We must commit to knocking down barriers, educational and economic, that block the path to the American Dream.”