Vivica A. Fox, Demetria McKinney, Kellie Williams, and Fire Chief Rosemary Cloud Promote Healthy Living at Black Women’s Roundtable Empowerment Tour
Maintaining a healthy, wealthy and wise lifestyle will be the primary focus as celebrities, physicians, financial advisors, chefs, and women and girls from greater Atlanta assemble for The Black Women’s Roundtable (BWR) Healthy Wealthy Wise National Empowerment Tour, Friday Oct. 21 thru Sunday Oct. 23. Created to empower Black women, veterans and girls, the 3-day public event is free and will take place in various locations in Riverdale, East Point and Fayetteville. For more information call 404 653-1199.
So many organizations host their events inside the Atlanta city limits, we decided to take our healthy message to the underserved communities outside of I-285,” said Melanie L. Campbell, president & CEO of The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation (The National Coalition) and convener of The Black Women’s Roundtable. “The south side of town proved the perfect gathering place for our event.”
Campbell continues, “The BWR Tour is traveling the country, bringing together black women from all professions to give love, information and inspiration to those who need it. It is important for us to go where we are needed, as opposed to where it is most convenient. This is about women making themselves accessible and available to each other.”
Confirmed speakers include: Actress and Producer, Vivica A. Fox; Melanie L. Campbell; East Point Fire Chief Rosemary Cloud; Riverdale Mayor Evelyn Winn Dixon; Actress Kellie Williams (Family Matters); Recording Artists OMG; and representatives from the Centers for Disease Control.
“The Atlanta community is happy to partner with local and national organizations to address issues that impact underserved women and girls. We will have a lot of fun while providing tools that help them to live healthier, more productive lives,” adds Helen Butler, executive director of the Georgia Coalition for The Peoples Agenda, the local coordinating partner for the event. “Our schedule includes a Listening Session, Let’s Move Dance, a mini-expo, and healthy food demonstrations. We will also lift up Melanie L. Campbell’s sisters who helped develop BWR Tour, Ruby Campbell-Pulliam and Adrienne Dennis.”
BWR Tour highlights include:
• Friday, October 21 – BWR Intergenerational Listening Session – Sister 2 Sister LOCATION: East Point Fire Station 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 2727 East Point Street, East Point, GA.
• Saturday, October 22 – Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Let’s Move Dance, Mini-Expo, Healthy Food Demonstrations and Empowerment Roundtables Forums for Women and Girls. LOCATION: Riverdale Community Centre 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 7200 Church Street, Riverdale, GA
• Sunday, October 23 Sistas Workship and Special Tribute to Ruby Campbell-Pulliam and Adrienne Dennis. LOCATION: Olivet Baptist Church 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 877 Highway 314, Fayetteville, GA
The BWR National Empowerment Tour is made possible by the W.F. Kellogg Foundation, established in 1930 to support children, families and communities as they create conditions that propel vulnerable children to achieve success. BWR Atlanta Tour sponsors include: AT&T, Verizon Foundation and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The BWR Tour has traveled to cities in LA, MS, AL, MI, PA and FL with a goal of reaching 10,000 women and girls over the course of the tour.
Convened by Dr. Joseph E Lowery, the Atlanta-based Coalition for the Peoples Agenda, is active throughout the state of Georgia and works to support and establish state coalitions in the Southeast states.
Black Women’s Roundtable is an intergenerational network of The National Coalition bringing together diverse women to motivate Black women to engage in all levels of civil society. The National Coalition is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to increasing civic engagement in Black and underserved communities. Current initiatives of the organization include Black Youth Vote! and the Unity 2012 Voter Empowerment Campaign. For more information on The National Coalition log on to www.ncbcp.org.
Atlanta BWR Empowerment Tour National & State-based Partners
A. Philip Randolph Institute
Black Youth Vote!
Black Women’s Health Imperative
Centers for Disease Control
City of Riverdale
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Dianne Frosh
East Point Fire Department
Georgia Coalition for the Peoples’ Agenda
Georgia Stand Up
Green Opportunities for Urban Neighborhoods
HMA Associates, Inc.
Jazzmyne Public Relations
National Center for Victims of Crime
National Conference of Black Mayors
National Council of Negro Women
Operation Hope
Olivet Baptist Church
State Representative Roberta Abdul Salaam
Suzanne Fuller Associates
The National Coalition of 100 Black Women Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter
The Praxis Project
The RED Panty Society
The William Kellibrew Foundation
United Negro College Fund
Youth in Action