How Herman Cain Could Take Out Obama – by Maze Jackson
There is a not so subtle frustration growing in the Black community surrounding our President Barack Obama. I think a significant amount of the frustration is because we see the Republicans, particularly the Tea Party as haters (really racists) that will block ANYTHING that he proposes; yet he still tries to negotiate with them. We want him to get “tough,” but he and we knows that if he does, he will be perceived as the “angry Black man,” which he can’t afford.
Yet and still, at the street level, we continue to hear that he is not “Black enough.” We’ve heard it ad nausea throughout his career, to which it gets one of two responses – wholehearted agreement or angry disagreement. For those that believe he is not “Black enough,” I believe their argument would be better served by stating he does not have the same experience of the average Black man growing up in America, which I believe is a fair statement. If he did, I doubt he would be able to shackle the angry Black man that resides deep down in those of us that did. And I’m almost positive if he did, he would not have become POTUS. It’s not a knock, but was a necessity for him to attain his level of success.
Now enter, Herman Cain, Tea Partier, Republican, multi-millionaire, and Black. And guess what? He’s an angry Black man who is mad at the President, Congress, and the current political system. And he’s making waves. Currently tied with Mitt Romney for the lead in the Republican Party, Cain is the latest Tea Party supernova, who I doubt will maintain this lead for longer than two months. But his significance goes beyond today, and I believe is part of a long term strategy that the Republicans are using him to make inroads with disenfranchised Blacks who feel ignored by the current system, regardless if the President is Black or not. Herman Cain gives them a place to deposit those frustrated votes.
You see, Herman gets to say the things that White Republicans can’t. He gets to tell President Obama how many Blacks feel deep down, but could never say for fear of embarrassing the President (read BLACK PRESIDENT) or being branded sellout by other Blacks. Herman Cain gets to take off the gloves and hit the President with body blows in areas the I’m not sure that his Democratic strategists are prepared to defend outside of the “our Black President” argument. At the same time, his ability to lead the Republican field, even if only for a short time is mutually beneficial for him and the Republican Party.
For the Republican Party, Cain’s success “proves” that they’re not the racists that many Blacks believe them to be. From now until eternity they will be pointing to Herman Cain whenever they are accused of being racially insensitive. Conversely, Cain positions himself to be a long-term player fo the Republicans as they look to siphon off disenfranchised Black voters.
Now whether you agree or not with his politics, you must admit Herman Cain has made some very smart political decisions. As I stated before, I do not think Herman will be the Republican Presidential nominee, but I do think he is well positioned to be a very formidable Vice Presidential nominee.
Think about it, the job of the VP is to be the attack dog and go after the President. Could you imagine President Obama having to defend himself from not only conventional Republican attacks, but targeted attacks in the Black community by a Black person asking “real questions” about the unprecedented unemployment, poverty, and educational issues that plague our community?
I don’t think it would be a pretty picture. And while most would still support President Obama, I could see Herman Cain getting a lot of “Amen’s” while speaking in Black churches.
A while back I wrote an article entitled, Why I Like Black Republicans, in which I discussed why I thought that Black Republicans were necessary to make Black Democrats more relevant. I think Democrats better start paying attention because I think the Republicans are starting to get it. As an avid Obama supporter, Mitt Romney with Black Republican Herman Cain is not a ticket I would want to face. He could get the Republicans, Independents, Pissed Blacks, and White Liberals who could still say they voted for a “Black Man.” And the Tea Party would not be racist anymore to boot.
It may seem far-fetched, but so was a Black President eight years ago. Democrats, I implore you do not take the Black vote for granted! All is not well in the kingdom.