Rep. Waters: Obama ‘heard’ Congressional Black Caucus with jobs plan
By Daniel Strauss – Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) praised President Obama’s new jobs plan and said that Obama clearly had the African-American community in mind while he was making it.
“He heard us. As a matter of fact we can see our hand print all over this proposal. We’re pleased about it,” Waters said Friday on MSNBC.
In August, before a town-hall audience in Detroit, Waters drew attention for saying that the black community still supported Obama but had been getting tired.
“We’re supportive of the president, but we getting tired, y’all. Getting tired,” Waters said in August.
She also questioned why Obama was not visiting any predominately black communities during his Midwest jobs tour in which he had planned to promote his then-yet-to-be-unveiled jobs plan. Read the full story at TheHill.com.