Gridlock in Congress Enables Continuation of Racially and Economically Biased Education Initiatives By Kirk Clay
As it becomes clear that the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (also known as No Child Left Behind), will not be reauthorized by Congress any time soon, the Government is compelled to allow states to waive some of its provisions. The Government is planning to issue waivers for states that agree to continue these initiatives
The two initiatives are: 1.) using student test scores to make decisions about teachers and 2.) using specific approaches to turn around low-performing schools. Both initiatives compound racial and economic injustice in the school system, harming all students, but especially students of color, immigrant students, and students from impoverished communities living in poverty.
The Harms of High-Stakes Testing
Using tests to make high-stakes decisions about schools and students has been the hallmark of the U.S. school system since ESEA was last reauthorized in 2002. The law uses math and English language arts test score results as the main way to measure how schools are doing and to make decisions about them. The National Research Council recently completed a review of 20 years of test-based accountability, and found that this approach has little or no effect on student learning.
The pressures on schools to do well on math and English language arts tests has pushed them to neglect other subjects such as science, social studies, the arts, and physical education. The recent spate of scandals about school districts teaching on tests-Washington, DC, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and others-underlines the bad choices schools are making under the current system.
High-Stakes Testing on Steroids-Using Tests to Make Decisions About Teachers
The Government has aggressively promoted the use of student test score gains as the major component for making decisions about teachers-for evaluating them, giving them tenure, deciding how much to pay them, and making decisions about retention and dismissal.
When each teacher feels his or her job is on the line, the negative effects of test score pressure multiply. The schools already suffer from an inequitable distribution of teachers with more affluent students disproportionately receiving better prepared and qualified teachers.
The Four Federal “Turnaround Models’ for Struggling Schools
There are four specific approaches to turning around the schools that are the lowest-performing. We feel that these four models may not be grounded in strong evidence-based research and may have components that are ineffective.
Most of the lowest-performing schools in the country are also the schools that receive the least resources. Yet, none of the four models call for allocating more resources to our poorest schools.
What are these four models?
School Closure
1. We should take closing a school very seriously because it can be disruptive to students and families. We have to identify the most effective way to close a school if it is necessary.
Charter Schools
2. While there are a small number of excellent charter schools, research indicates that most charter schools preform the same as regular public schools. Also, some charter schools are selective about the students they enroll.
Replacing Staff
3 & 4. Of the remaining two models, one calls for replacing the principal, and one calls for replacing the principal and at least half of the staff. This may result in a “blame the teacher” dynamic in the community and that would not be helpful.
The four turnaround models offer little evidence of payoff while increasing disruption and the potential for discrimination in the lives of students of color, English learners, and students living in poverty.
The Threat: This will continue to affect schools around the country
For a number of years, it has been clear that the current version of ESEA, No Child Left Behind, is a bad law. The law was up for reauthorization in 2007. After repeated unsuccessful attempts at reauthorization, it now appears that it will not be reauthorized for a few more years. We believe that a successful public school system is essential to America’s future. Its importance is magnified in an economy still recovering from the Great Recession. We can only overcome the many barriers we face by working closely and collaboratively together. We should remain committed to working with the Department of Education, and welcome the opportunity to work together to identify solutions.
Kirk Clay is Senior Advisor at PowerPAC Foundation.