Last week, President Obama posed the question, “What’s the best way to grow the economy and create jobs?” Millions across the country tuned in to hear the president’s answer to rebuilding our nation’s economy, among them African Americans and other communities of color who remain disproportionately affected by the recession.
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s longstanding mission has been economic empowerment and equal opportunity for underserved communities. We pleased to know that The American Jobs Act the president proposed is a critical step in furthering our mission. With African Americans suffering from an unemployment rate twice as high as the national average, tax credit incentives for employers to hire jobless workers, modernizing school infrastructure, and providing job opportunities for our youth will create a better and stronger economy for our most vulnerable communities.
It is essential that we not lose sight of the fact that the best way to grow an economy is to ensure that all Americans have a fair share and that means targeted policies for individuals, families, and communities who were unable to protect themselves against the recession as well as others. The President’s Pathways Back to Work Fund will provide low-income youth and adults with the job opportunities and training initiatives while at the same time prohibiting employers from discriminating against unemployed workers; this is exactly the kind of targeted legislation America needs in order to achieve long term economic stability and growth for all.
Now, more than ever, we must take the steps needed to revitalize our economy and ensure that Americans make their voice heard at this critical juncture. Our lawmakers need to hear from Americans who are struggling to make ends meet. We agree that we don’t have 14 months to wait until we address the jobs crisis. Together we must continue to stand strong for millions of African Americans and other underserved communities, so they may not only recover from the recession, but equally benefit from job creation and economic growth in the long term.
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The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc., established in 1976, is a non-partisan, non-profit, public policy, research and educational institute intended to broaden and elevate the influence of African Americans in the political, legislative and public policy arenas.