Morehouse College Celebrates the Unveiling of the National Monument of Martin Luther King Jr.
Atlanta – When tens of thousands of Americans converge on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on August 28, for the unveiling of the Martin Luther King Jr. national memorial, it will be a very proud moment for Morehouse College and thousands of her alumni.
King’s alma mater will mark the occasion with celebrations of its own. The world-renowned Morehouse College Glee Club has three performances during the week of the dedication including a pre-dedication performance on the National Mall. The 100-year-old choral group also will perform at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library and at Constitution Hall. The full schedule for the Glee Club is below.
The culminating event for the weekend is a memorial Concert and Tribute to King at the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, sponsored by Northwestern Mutual Foundation. Morehouse alumnus and Academy Award-nominated actor Samuel L. Jackson and his wife, actress LaTanya Richardson Jackson, will host it. The concert will feature “Timeless Voices”, Eddie Levert, Dennis Edwards and Johnny Gill. Grammy Award-winner Stevie Wonder and Congressman John Conyers, (D) Michigan, will both receive the Presidential Renaissance Medallion of Merit for their roles in spearheading the effort to recognize King’s birthday as a national holiday.
Morehouse College Events During the Dedication Weekend:
Glee Club Performances:
Friday, August 26
MLK: A Monumental Life, A Theatrical and Musical Presentation
Constitution Hall
7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 27
Mini-Concert, Martin Luther King Library, 901 G St. N.W., Washington, DC 20001
Noon (free and open to the public. Live web streaming at: https://www.facebook.com/dclibrary)
Sunday, August 28
Pre-Dedication Musical Tribute, West Potomac Park
11:00 a.m. (free and open the public)
Sunday, August 28
Memorial Concert and Tribute, The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts
7:00 p.m. (for tickets: 202-467-4600)
**All working media must RSVP at edurham at morehouse.edu for attendance at the Kennedy Center event.
Media Logistics for Kennedy Center Concert
· Credentials: All media must RSVP at edurham@morehouse.edu in advance for entrance to the concert. There will be a media check-in table located outside the Concert Hall at the Kennedy Center . Credentials are not transferable.
· Parking: media parking is available in the parking deck located below the Kennedy Center. There is a parking fee, so be prepared.
· Limited consent form: All media outlets are required by the Kennedy Center to fill out a limited consent form. The form will be available at the media check-in table and will have to be completed before access is granted to hall.
· Equipment: Must be self-contained and battery operated and photographers (both still and video) are not permitted to roam the hall. We will provide access that will allow unobstructed view of the stage.
· Audio: Broadcast television and radio outlets should come prepared to plug into mult box in designated press area.
· Access: Videographers will be positioned in a specific area, separate from field producers and reporters/anchors. Print reporters will have a designated area for one reporter and one still photographer.
Photo and interview opportunities possible during VIP reception with:
· Ambassador Andrew Young
· Congressman John Lewis
· Samuel L. Jackson
· LaTanya Richardson Jackson
· Stevie Wonder
· Congressman John Conyers
· President Robert M. Franklin, Morehouse College
The VIP Reception will take place in the Atrium and Foyer on the rooftop at 6 p.m.
Media need to check-in and receive credentials before gaining access to the reception area. All media will be accompanied by Morehouse College ambassador and will have limited access for one-on-one interviews, while available.