Trump’s disrespect for President Obama
But the next day, my professor greeted me with accusations of cheating, saying three-fourths of the class had flunked. How could I possibly have managed to get a B minus without cheating? Thankfully, not all of my professors were cut from this same cloth, but I had my share of run-ins. One professor asked me on the first day what I was doing in his classroom, and shouldn’t I be in remedial English or Rocks for Jocks?
Why did I have to prove myself worthy of being in their classrooms? The vast majority of professors at Syracuse University were not like this, but the sting of disrespect from those encounters has resonated with me till this day.
Donald Trump questioning the president’s educational background took me back to those unfortunate memories.
President Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983 with a degree in political science. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. But apparently Trump is not impressed. Read the full story at CNN.com.
Etan Thomas is a poet and author who plays basketball for the NBA’s Atlanta Hawks. He is a peace activist and actively supported Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. His website is http://etanthomas.com/