The Misconception of Justice: Osama Bin Laden’s Death
Bin Laden was killed along with two of his sons and others during a US –led operation in his compound located in Pakistan. Following his death, Osama Bin Laden was buried at sea.
With headlines across the globe declaring a victory I am left to wonder what really is the actually victory in the death of Osama Bin Laden?
We all know the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001 – with many Americans still feeling the unceasing pain of loss ten years later. I like many others will never forget that dark period of American history as well as the other terrorist attacks led by Bin Laden. Yes, I along with the rest of the country want those who were responsible for the innocent deaths of 9/11 and the other terrorist attacks brought to justice. These are real feelings that Americans share and can’t be overlooked or ignored.
I do believe in Justice. However, I do not believe that the death of Osama Bin Laden is justice – nor will it lead the world closer to it. The end of hate and silence of fear brings justice not the death of a man or as Dr. King said “a lasting peace.”
With the death of Bin Laden we can expect to see the American cable news and others put a perverse spin on justice and how a country has falsely achieved it.
Justice prevails when the end of gross discrimination and prejudices purported against our Muslim brothers and sisters are no more. We can expect a new rise of “islamaphobia” because of new national security threats fearing followers of the deceased Bin Laden will strike in retaliation against the murder of their leader. Which begs me to question the authenticity of this justice that is achieved and is followed with a new threat or level of fear? The expected heighten security measures will profile innocent members of our community and moves them further into a place of fear and unfortunately – shame. Where is the justice in that?
However, what is also disturbing is the quick pronouncement by some of Mr. Obama’s 2012 re-election. If we believe that death of Bin Laden is “sure victory” for Mr. Obama then I am concerned about the health and spirit of our democracy. It is unfortunate that Republicans and Democrats can agree on this death but can’t agree when it comes to the lives of the “least of these” suffering here in America. Bin Laden’s death has not secured one job, has not stop the spread of HIV/AIDS, hasn’t rebuilt the poverty stricken south, or has stopped a massive budget cut be it federal or state. What Bin Laden’s death has done is exposed an open wound – one that shows we have a lesson to learn in justice and values.
It is imperative that we think critically with the information that is being presented to us through all forms and even more cautious with those things concerning justice. If we allow the American media and others to prostitute the concept of justice what will become of the justice we seek here in America for our own brothers and sisters?
I am reminded of the prophetic words spoken by Kahlil Gibran, “Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills?”
Now that as the Noble Peace Prize winner – Mr. Obama has declared “Justice is done” shall we bring an end to those three wars we are engaged in?
Reach Deven D. Anderson at http://twitter.com/#!/philosopher1906 or at his blog: http://blogtruth2power.blogspot.com/.