Why I like Black Republicans!
Now, I would NEVER join the Tea Party, I profess to be a life-long Democrat. But I must admit, that if it weren’t for the programs and initiatives that I benefited from personally (and now the fact that they’ve gone completely loony) I would have considered joining the Republican Party. Pause for shock and awe. I only say that because of their position on taxes and the fact I would like to keep more of what I earn. Being a Democrat has been good to me, so I will remain loyal.
It got me to thinking about why isn’t our generation more open minded to the possibilities of joining other political parties. Make no mistake, I am not advocating for the Republican Party, but just considering our interests. Right now, there are precious few Blacks in power within the Republican Party. And because there are such a limited number, it allows them to form their opinions, policies, and ideologies without even taking us into consideration. At the same time, it allows the Democratic Party to take our vote for granted.
Do you ever wonder why Republicans want to destroy the programs that are so vital to our communities? Do you ever wonder why when it’s time to cut the budget, Democrats are most likely to compromise on programs most vital to us? Do you ever wonder why our community always seems to get the short end of the stick, no matter who is in power? I surmise that it is precisely because of our ABSOLUTE loyalty to the Democratic Party, that we remain virtually powerless politically. It is because we either vote Democrat or don’t vote – leaving us with little to no leverage on both sides. I’ve heard it said by strategists and pundits alike…”What are the Blacks gonna do, vote Republican?”
So here’s what I say…let’s be a little smarter. Let’s not be blinded by the D or the R behind someone’s name, but by what they can do for us. If there’s a Republican Party, I feel that we should have qualified people in leadership roles within their organization just as we should within the Democratic Party. That way, no matter what party wins, our community wins.
If the Democratic Party knew there was the possibility of Blacks voting Republican, I bet they’d be a lot less willing to compromise with the Republicans on the social and fiscal issues most important to us. Conversely, I bet if the Republicans thought they even had a chance to win the Black vote, they’d be more willing to compromise on social and fiscal issues most important to us. That scenario – all we do is “WIN, WIN and WIN, NO MATTER WHAT!” See why I like Black Republicans?
(Maze Jackson is a political consultant and can be reached at maze@mazjac.com or facebook.com/mazjac)