Gill will be joined by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, president of Skinner Leadership Institute (SLI); Janice Mathis, Vice President General Counsel, Atlanta Bureau, Rainbow PUSH Coalition; Dee Marshall, TV Lifestyle Expert Coach; Ka Flewellen, Life Coach and Partner, Image Builders Etcetera; Jonell Nash, former Food Editor, Essence Magazine and author; and Beneca Ward, Author and TV executive. In addition, Linda Wilson the Southern Atlantic Regional Director, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is leading alumnae members of the sorority in participating as mentors.
“SAVE A GIRL, SAVE A WORLD was created to celebrate the benefits of mentoring through sister to sister, woman to woman relationships, says Gill. She adds, “Our mission is to provide education and awareness through sharing successful life experiences through a mentoring program that brings together several generations whose life experiences transcend time.”
The data on youths today clearly shows many youths have a desperate need for positive role models. In October 2002, 271,000 students in the United States had dropped out of high school since the previous October (Bureau of Labor Statistics), and in 2003, 671,500 unwed teenage girls got pregnant (The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy). Leading mentoring researcher Dr. Jean Rhodes, University of Massachusetts in Boston, suggests that mentors contribute to the development of youth by: 1) enhancing the social-emotional development of the youth; 2) being a role model and advocate for the youth; and 3) improving the youth’s cognitive development through dialogue and listening.
“The Save a Girl, Save a World retreat is an amazing opportunity for young ladies to learn from successful women who can inspire them to pursue their dreams. For the mentors, it will be a chance to encourage, educate and recognize the potential of these young ladies to be future leaders,” says Pamela Alexander, Director of Community Development and Fund Operations, Ford Motor Company Fund.
The Save A Girl, Save A World will allow the participants to collaborate, and share ideas. It will provide a springboard for girls to learn from other women the true value of leadership.
In 1873, Bennett College had its beginning in the unplastered basement of the Warnersville Methodist Episcopal Church (now known as St. Matthew’s Methodist Church). Seventy young men and women started elementary and secondary level studies. Today with Dr. Julianne Malveaux as president the goals of the College continue to focus on the intellectual, spiritual and cultural growth of young women who must be prepared for lifelong learning and leadership. Since 1930 more than 5,000 women have graduated from Bennett College. Known as Bennett Belles, they continue to be among contributing women of achievement in all walks of life.
Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services works to build communities through partnerships that support education, driving safety and American heritage and community life. Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2009 and made possible by funding from Ford Motor Company, its programs include Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies, which provides high school students with academically rigorous, interactive learning experiences, and Ford Driving Skills for Life, a teen-focused safe driving initiative. Through the Ford Volunteer Corps, more than 20,000 Ford employees and retirees participate in a wide range of volunteer projects in dozens of countries around the world. For more information, visit www.community.ford.com.