Letterman, Bob Schieffer, Chris Matthews, Juan Williams call Trumps words racist Cher calls him “A–Hole” #dumptrump
Trump’s M.O. over the years is to make stupid statements that create controversy and keep the Trump name in the news. That seems to be a factor in how his brand is valued. Trump seems to think Forbes is way off in determining the Trump brands value for Forbes 400. They say around 200 million; he says they’re off by a couple of BILLION. I guess he figured he should up his media presence. The following information from Forbes.com explains why it is important for anyone who rejects his divisive and racist speech to #DUMPTRUMP and #BOYCOTTCELEBRITYAPPRENTICE –
Forbes.com – When it comes to manipulating media attention, Trump is a master and his flirtation with the presidency has garnered him seemingly endless attention. From May 1, 2010 to April 1, 2011 Donald Trump’s name appeared in the print media 13,440 times (as opposed to 8,404 times during the same period last year). He has been featured in the radio or TV 3,585 times (compared to 1,189 mentions and appearances last year). For added context, figure this: Since Donald jumped on the birther bandwagon just this March, his name’s come up in print 5,483 times and has been mentioned on radio and TV 2,199 times. (Thanks to our librarian, Sue Radlauer, for digging this up.)
The uptick is not surprising. But in practice, how does that translate into brand worth?
One prism to look at is The Apprentice. According to The Nielsen Company, the show’s first season on NBC, back in 2003, boasted about 20.7 million viewers. That audience has for the most part been steadily decreasing since. The last complete season of The Apprentice had just 4.8 million viewers. But this season’s viewership has shot back up to 8.9 million as of April 24.
Schieffer: Racism underlying Trump’s assertions
David Letterman calls Donald Trump ‘racist’
David Letterman accused real estate mogul, Celebrity Apprentice star and possible political candidate Donald Trump of being a racist on last night’s edition of CBS Late Show.
Chris Matthews: Trump’s Only Reason To Question Obama’s Grades Is Because He’s Black
Cher Blasts Donald Trump: “Pompous A–Hole!”
The Oscar-winning songstress took to Twitter yesterday to trash talk The Donald. “Donald Trump is a Pompous A–hole!” she tweeted. “Saw him in Aspen with one Dcup chick after another. Everyone up there thought he was a complete idiot.”
And she didn’t stop there. “Donald Trump (mr chapter11) is Only a Mean Spirited BAD ACTOR who couldn’t find his ass with both hands & a map!” she wrote.
JUAN WILLIAMS: The Truth About Trump, Obama and the Race Card
Trump is now questioning whether the president was smart enough to write a best-selling book. He is asking if Obama is too busy playing basketball to handle the economy. Trump is doubting whether Obama had the grades to get Harvard Law School and suggesting he is just an affirmative action token.
It is hard not to see a pattern in these questions. The president is not smart enough to write his own book, he is not smart enough to get into Harvard, and he spends his time playing basketball. The pattern sure looks racial, smells racial, and invites Whoopi to call a spade a spade.