Atlanta’s Largest Single-Day Eco-Collection Event Scheduled for April 23
With more than 400,000 pounds of electronic equipment collected since its inception, Atlanta’s largest and most popular single-day recycling event is proudly celebrating nearly a decade of caring for the environment.
This year, the City of Atlanta’s Electronics Recycling Day, will take place from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at Turner Field (Gold Lot). The first 100 cars will receive a free one-gallon can of Legacy Recycled Paint and will have the opportunity win for a free rain barrel.
Atlanta City Councilmember Carla Smith has again partnered with LivingGreenPages, Live-Thrive Atlanta, Atlanta Recycling Solutions to collect and recycle computers and other household electronics. This year the Councilmember has added a new partner, Atlanta Paint Disposal and will collect Latex Paint to be recycled at this annual citywide collection event.
Electronic items and paints can have a harmful effect on the eco-system, emitting various chemicals into the soil and watershed, if not property recycled.
On April 23, residents can bring their paint and electronic items to the Gold Lot at Turner Field from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. during the City of Atlanta’s 2011 Recycling Day. The event is part of a wide-range of activities planned all week in celebration of Earth Day in Atlanta.
If you live in Atlanta, this is the day to rid your home and garage of all of your unused latex paint and unwanted electronic items and without harming the environment.
“We are pleased to be adding paint recycling to this event thanks to our newest partner, Atlanta Paint Disposal. It has been a frequent request of many city residents,” said Councilmember Smith. “Since the inception of this event, so many other cities in our area have followed Atlanta’s example to reduce, reuse and recycle for the sake of our planet. Through this single-day event we have created a regional community that cares about the environment.”
The goal of this initiative is to promote the recycling of obsolete electronic equipment and to encourage reuse of latex paint. During the event neighborhood groups will also have the opportunity to acquire 5-Gallon containers of paint for neighborhood projects. This opportunity is for city of Atlanta Neighborhood Associations and Community Groups that serve within Atlanta City. For more information please visit www.District1Atlanta.com.
All Latex Paint products will be accepted. NOTE: No commercial paint or paints from contractors will be accepted.
The following E-Scrap items will be accepted at the City of Atlanta’s Recycling Day:
•TELEVISIONS ($10 fee required)
•VCRs and DVD Players
The following items will not be accepted: consoles, projection televisions, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, washers, dryers, freezers, de-humidifiers or humidifiers, gas-powered equipment, tires, household trash and NON-electronic equipment.
For more information, please call Councilmember Smith’s office at (404) 330-6039 or visit www.livethrive.org.