Arizona Birther Bill
Yes, a birther amendment. When, oh when, will they ever learn?
Columnist Kathleen Parker, part of a rapidly dying breed of moderate Republican, said it best: “Trying to convince birthers that Obama is a legitimate citizen rather than a closet jihadist is like trying to convince a terrified child that there’s no monster under the bed.”
The beauty of our Constitution is that the ignorant and intelligent alike can cast votes. And hold office, as evidenced through the centuries by a number of morally and intellectually inept individuals who rode popular sentiment into higher office. Yes, with elections really being nothing more than popularity contests, there is a method to the madness that Senator Peel, Donald Trump and countless other ambitious Republicans have in staking their claims among the not so insightful members of the party.
Those of us who care deeply about the lunacy hailing forth from Arizona have a choice—boycott the state. Whether it was last year’s Immigration debate, the state’s push to ban multicultural education, and now the “birther” amendment; each signals a state legislature bent on pulling America backwards. Arizona, like Florida, heavily depends upon tourism, conventions and the like. A well placed boycott ot two will dry the coiffeurs up even more than they are, and money, if nothing else, gets the attention of even the worst politician.