Feminism Lays An Egg
This should be the essence of having children, especially from the woman’s perspective. When you decide to have children, your life stops because your raison d’être is to provide for that child—mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You are no longer being asked for an egg, you are being asked to give bacon.
But, the pursuit of the feminist agenda has turned this view upside down. Many women believe they can have it all—marriage, children, and career. This is the core of the feminist agenda. Last month, we had a very perverse example of the feminist agenda on steroids.
Amber Branson is a 34 year old girl’s high school basketball coach in Lipan, TX (about 75 miles from Dallas). She was pregnant and expected to deliver her child at any moment. Her basketball team had a semi-final game in Abilene and she decided to make the trip with the team. After winning the game, she went back to her hotel and began to have labor pains. She was taken to the hospital (this was on a Friday night) and delivered her child just after 10 p.m.
Her team had another game, the finals, the next day (Saturday) at 2 p.m. Yep, you guessed it. She left the hospital and her newborn to coach the team. Yes, you heard right! She left a newborn in the care of total strangers. In an interview after the game (her team won and went on to lose in the championship game) she said, “I didn’t do anything that didn’t feel like I was supposed to be doing. And I just wanted to be with the girls…I don’t think its anything special…But its just part of my job and I was just happy to be a part of it.” In another interview she said, “That was all part of God’s plan. If I had the epidural, I might not have been able to make [the game]…I would have taken [newborn daughter Leslie] with me if I could have.”
Has she lost her mind? Leaving a newborn, not because of some family emergency, but to coach a basketball game! I don’t know of any sane woman who would have done something this irresponsible. Social services should definitely take custody of the child. Branson, is quite obviously not fit to be a parent, even though she has two other children.
I am just as stunned that the husband seems to be OK with this bizarre behavior. Guess we know who wears the pants in this family!
With this type of irrational behavior, we should not be surprised that she then turns around and blames God (“that was all a part of God’s plan”). God had absolutely nothing to do with this.
What kind of example is she setting for the girls on her team, as well as her own children? Just think, in the first day of her child’s life, she spent almost the same amount of time with the girls on her basketball team as she did with her own baby!
If her job is that important to her, then she should not have children. Ms. Branson, YOU CAN’T HAVE IT ALL! With every choice there is a consequence. You choose a basketball game at the expense of your daughter. What a sad commentary on the state of femininity.
To my amazement, I haven’t heard any of the usual feminist groups denounce this irresponsible behavior, especially the National Organization of Women (NOW). Branson is not fit to be a parent, nor continue to coach her team. She has proven she is not capable of making responsible decisions with her own family, so how can you justify entrusting other kids to her care?
When it comes to parenting, Branson laid an egg, as opposed to providing bacon to her newborn daughter. Her daughter needed a total commitment, not a contribution.
Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a D.C.-public relations/government affairs firm. He is also a contributing editor for ExcellStyle Magazine (www.excellstyle.com) & U.S. Africa Magazine (www.usafricaonline.com).
Book release date: Summer 2011
Raynard Jackson has been named to Talkers Magazine’s “Frontier Fifty.” The “Frontier Fifty” is a selection of Outstanding Talk Media Webcasters.
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