Hair Expert and Author Toni Love Launches Unique Hair Cleansing System
Toni Love knows hair! Be it black hair, white hair, kinky hair, straight hair, real hair or fake hair, she is the ultimate source for advice on all things hair! An internationally recognized hair loss and weave expert, Love’s classic book, “The World of Wigs, Weaves and Extensions” (Milady Publishing) is a definitive guide to uncovering the secrets to top-notch hair and wig care. Her popular manual, “Tips to Passing the Cosmetology State Board,” has become a ‘must have’ for students of cosmetology, and her instructional DVD’s: “Keeping Cutting Simple,” “Interlocking Hair Extensions: No Braids! No Glue!” and “Hair Replacement: Covering Bald Areas,” are specifically designed for cosmetology students and professionals who wants to be at the top of their game.
So what’s next for the woman that has hair locks on lock? Hair care enthusiast Toni Love is introducing her own product for superior hair care and performance. Designed for hair of all ethnicities, Love is introducing a hair care program specifically designed to uniquely regenerate hair and stimulate growth starting at the hair root. Toni Love’s Hair Cleansing System is the result of years of dedication and research on Love’s behalf. Consisting of a Residue Remover that is a pre-shampoo solution, a Hair and Scalp Cleanser, that acts as a performance enhancer and a Hair and Scalp Conditioner, which increases micro-circulation of the scalp, Love believes she has created the ultimate solution for clean and healthy hair.
“The proper cleansing of hair is something that is of concern to men and women alike. Clean hair stimulates growth and a healthy glowing demeanor. The fact that the hair crowns our head cannot be underestimated. I have personally spent years in the lab formulating a product that crosses gender lines, color lines and even natural hair and synthetic hair lines! My cleansing system is a definitive method for caring for our crowning glory.”
Love’s Residue Remover is a mild solution, fortified with corn-based cleansers. It contains a series of enhancing extracts to sooth and rejuvenate the scalp as the productopens the hair follicles and allows nutrients to effect the hair, while stimulating the scalp and the hair bulb. The Residue Remover is elemental in that it eliminates old product and environmental build-up. You spray it, massage onto hair and scalp, then leave in for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing.
Once the Residue Remover extracts the old product build-up from the hair and scalp, the hair follicle is opened and ready to be cleansed. With the follicle open, Love’s Hair and Scalp Cleanser now reaches the hair bulb to deep cleanse the hair shaft while protecting the hair’s natural oils. The added ingredient of peppermint oil refreshes and soothes the scalp to clean the hair shaft. In the final step, Toni Love’s Hair and Scalp Conditioner softens the hair shaft and prevents split, dry, and damaged hair. While encouraging the hair pH-balance system, the conditioner assists with dry, itchy scalp with the ingredient of menthol. The menthol enhances the scalp and allows the follicle to open slightly to receive oxygen. The conditioner is non-greasy and doesn’t leave a residue on the hair shaft.
About Toni Love
A leading diva of cosmetology with over 25 years in the hair industry, Toni Love has an extensive background in Business Management and obtained her master’s degree in Continuing Education. She holds instructor’s licenses in Cosmetology and Barbering and is also a Certified Instructor in addition to hair consultant and published author. Love is certified through the American Cancer Society, teaching “Look Good Feel Better” cancer patients how to cope with their hair loss as they go through chemotherapy. A graduate of the Hair Design Academy, and a veteran, United States Army Reserves, Love has taught a variety of students in both private and public institutions. She is also the founder of Toni Love’s Training Center in Atlanta, GA, a thriving oasis for professional cosmetologists who are passionate about learning the latest techniques in hair maintenance and hair styles. In addition, her advance knowledge of hair loss and her weave training courses have positioned her as a go-to-source for the all-things-hair when the media needs expert input.
For more information about Toni Love and her Toni Love’s Hair Cleansing System products visit her website at www.ToniLove.com or call 770-704-7653. You can also friend her on Facebook at “Toni Love Cosmetology” and keep up with her about the latest trends in hair at http://letstalkhairwithtonilove.blogspot.com/ .
NOTE TO MEDIA: Toni Love is available for interviews at jazzmynepr@gmail.com. For product samples send name, media outlet and mailing address to jazzmynepr@gmail.com.