Rev. Joseph E. Lowery Takes Readers Down Freedom Road in New Book “Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land”
The book also honors many great figures of the movement, such as MLK, Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks, and tackles controversial issues, such as racial inequality, the KKK, the death penalty and more. Included:
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Through his book, Dr. Lowery takes readers down Freedom Road, as he walked it – inspiring them to see that one person can make a difference and that social justice can be achieved.
Dr. Lowery has committed his life to the fight for racial equality, serving as a catalyst for great change in our nation. As an activist in the struggle for civil rights, Lowery endured cruel mistreatment and abuse, but he says he never let hatred creep into his thoughts. Instead he looked to his faith to carry him through, because, he says, he could not have made it through without his moral and religious roots.
On January 20, 2009, Dr. Lowery experienced fulfillment of his life’s work, as he delivered the closing benediction at the inauguration of the first black U.S. president, which he deems the nation’s response to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech. And in August 2009, President Obama awarded Dr. Lowery the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Lowery’s life as an activist began in college when he joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. In the 1950s he lead efforts for the desegregation of buses and other public accommodations in Alabama, and in 1957, he joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, where he became one of King’s most trusted advisors and later served as president from 1978-1998. For his leadership of the SCLC, the NAACP named Dr. Lowery the “dean” of the civil rights movement.
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