Grammy Awards Manipulative or Not?
When it comes to the welfare of Black America, how is it that Corporate America—the media giants—are so willing to promote ignorance and reward trash, but make no effort to truly promote and reward efforts made to educate and rejuvenate the black community? Further, how can black artists be so blinded by the fortune and fame, and continue to sell their souls, pride of a community, and futures of potential black leaders (by warping their mentalities) for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver?
Black America and the news media alike will nail to the cross any white person who resorts to using the n-word and, under such circumstances, some careers have been ruined for their intentionally disrespectful or satirical use of the term. On the other hand, neither the news media or, and especially, Black America will hold black n-word users accountable.
The pejorative term n**ger is a reprehensible trash of a word no matter who uses it. When it comes to the n-word, clearly different people are being held to different standards. Who set the despicable standard that it is acceptable for one group of people to use the term n**ger (or n**ga), but considered it unacceptable if applied by another group, when clearly the term should be off limits to any and all groups? In practice and on the surface, it appears that Black America is responsible for this travesty.”
Just what is the American institutionalized systemic’s role in their acceptance of Black Americans’ use of the n-word? How is it that both Black America and Corporate America are willing to reward black comedians, actors, actresses and entertainers whenever they denigrate their own race?
One would think that given Corporate America’s wide influence and the media’s ability to set standards and ideals across the masses, that the system would feel a little more conscionable or obligated (assuming morals or ethics are a factor) to “push” worthier ideals and mentalities. However, the reality of the matter is that Corporate America is ultimately not responsible for educating the black race as their only purpose in this grand scheme is to make money. Just as with black slaves, they use the blacks as an ever-grinding tool to produce whatever sells.
And, sadly enough, if that means allowing black people to continue to destroy their own communities to sell some records or obtain improved ratings, then the media will allow the ridiculous behavior to persist so that these black artists can continue to finance their yachts, children’s prestigious educations, and million-dollar-mansion mortgage payments, while the black community remains impoverished, ill-educated, near homeless or non-home owners, and a few breaths from death.
The even more dismal aspect of this entire situation: Blacks continue to blindly stay in their once-appointed “place” as work horses for the “master.” Clearly, if Black America is intertwined in a paternalistic state of mind, it is incumbent upon them to shed such a mindset and rise above the enslavement.
Corporate America advocates are participating in subversive and undermining activities geared toward the Black community. The heads of these companies are smart enough to realize their contributions to the unpleasant fate of the black community. Then again, the entire onus cannot be placed on Corporate America. It is the black artists thinking up the filth; Corporate America publishes, distributes and endorses the continued antics through different outlets, including shows like the Grammy Awards.
There is absolutely nothing educational or artistic about the songs “F— You” and “Empire State of Mind”. The Grammy Awards has a history of catering to and rewarding black hip-hop performers of tasteless productions. They basically “give the people what they want” at the cost of the people’s futures and community.
Please wake up, Black America, and realize the plight still being carried out against the black race! Black artists must realize that they have the clout and opportunity to produce creations that actually promote positive ideals and re-building of a prideful community. Rap, and even hip-hop, did not begin as a self-destructive outlet; it was actually created as a language to still send the positive messages that earlier genres promoted, but in a way that appealed to the changing tastes of listeners and the more youthful audiences. The “n**gerization” didn’t occur until greed, ignorance, and fear (of the rising up of the black community) entered the picture.
“Trash culture” is characterized by irresponsible behavior, and the advocating of violence, anti-intellectualism, self destructive behavior, and misbehavior at school. Unfortunately, these characteristics are reflective of hip hop culture in general, and this is also the image of Black America being painted and marketed—globally—by Corporate America.
Opponents of African Americans’ use of the n-word seem to be censored by the American institutionalized systemic, whereas, proponents of the word are praised, applauded, rewarded and encouraged by the systemic.
Grammy’s pending nominations for meritorious recognition of the song “F—You”, which is performed, written and produced by blacks, and Rapper Jay Z and Alicia Keys’ performance of “Empire State of Mind” should be looked upon as subterfuge and thus an unacceptable act. Black America can stop this charade; however, it remains to be seen if they are willing to rise up against their very own as they would if the performers were of white skin.
H. Lewis Smith is the founder and president of UVCC, the United Voices for a Common Cause, Inc. (www.theunitedvoices.com); and author of “Bury that Sucka: A Scandalous Love Affair with the N-Word”. Follow him on Twitter: www.twitter.com/thescoop1