Dallas Pastor Caught Burglarizing Parishioner on Christmas Eve
Stories about criminals are getting more bizarre by the day. This one may be the best I’ve heard this year. It certainly reinforces the need to be very careful who you select for spiritual guidance.
Here’s the story at By Valerie Wigglesworth, The Dallas Morning News
Dallas pastor accused in Oak Cliff burglary maintains innocence
Pastor Sandy McGriff is accused of burglary and resisting arrest after she was discovered exiting the home of one of her parishioners on Christmas Eve.
Sandy McGriff, 52, said she was trying to protect valuables at the home of her longtime friend Serita Agnew and made a horrible mistake.
Police accuse McGriff of stealing more than $10,000 worth of fur coats, designer purses and electronics from a home in the 2200 block of Village Way near Kiest Boulevard and Lancaster Road. She was also charged with resisting arrest.
McGriff spent most of Christmas Day in jail and was released on $26,000 bail in time for Sunday morning services at The Church of the Living God. The sanctuary is in the back of her husband’s furniture store on Lancaster Road in east Oak Cliff.
McGriff invited reporters to her Grand Prairie home Monday to tell her side of the story.
She said she had been in Agnew’s east Oak Cliff neighborhood on Friday evening to pick up a peach cobbler from a friend. “Something just told me to go past her house,” McGriff said. Read the full story here.