Obama and Mayweather
Mayweather has refused to fight Manny Pacquiao and the President seems unwilling to battle with Congressional Republicans.
Lord, I hope Obama didn’t blow his only chance to do the things that he promised he would in his thrilling campaign speeches two years ago.
When Obama won the Presidential Election, he was a Democrat, the U.S. Senate was Democratic and the House of Representatives was Democratic. The Democrats that Black people voted for were in power and could have pushed through any legislation they wanted to.
But no, that was too easy to do. Obama and his team wanted to be known as consensus builders, non-partisan politicians and friendly aisle-walkers. Where has that love for political togetherness gotten Americans? Nowhere!
Power never takes a step back, only in the face of more power! Democrats had power and didn’t use it or were afraid to use it.
Perhaps not much significant and ground breaking legislation was done in the two years of the Obama administration because of Obama’s advisors and Obama’s campaign contributors.
Many of Obama’s Democratic advisors didn’t and still don’t have a clue about what the people want.
Our idea of a good President is not George Bush dipped in chocolate! We don’t want to be forever controlled by beast bankers, stock brokers and insurance companies. We want elected officials that will fight for us!
Muhammad Ali didn’t get to be the greatest champion ever by singing the praises of his opponents, Ali won battles and multiple World Heavyweight Titles by swinging! Ali was a fighter.
Democrats can bow down to America’s money changers all they want to but they will never raise more campaign money than Republican fundraisers.
Democrats have to win their political wars on the front lines. Obama and Congressional Democrats have to take their ideas for change to the streets and convince everyday people that lowering the deficit is necessary, ending wars and conflicts are mandatory and job creation is extremely important.
Lace ’em up Obama, the Republicans have vowed to make you a one term President. Stay or leave, whatever you do, do it for the people. There will be no CHANGE without a fight! (Become a friend of The Gantt Report on Facebook. Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)