Carville’s Silly Antics Have A Name: Racism-Sexism-Disloyalty-Stupidity
How disrespectful can one be! Put Carville on the same level as Joe “he lie” from South Carolina. Of all the stupid things I have heard coming out of the Carville household, this one is the pits. This was mean, hateful, racist, sexist, disloyal—totally disrespectful not only to President Obama, but also to Secretary Clinton and to former President Bill Clinton. Here you have one of Mr. Clinton’s close associates suggesting that his wife has no value except if she acts like a man! I’m sure President Clinton wouldn’t agree with that, and I call upon him to take Carville to the shed and tell him to stop embarrassing himself. Carville’s remarks are an insult to every woman who chooses not to act like a man to prove her worth.
At one time, I thought Carville was just crazy. Now, it is clear that he’s also racist, sexist and disloyal. Every woman, every Black person, every loyal Democrat should let James know how they feel about his stupid remarks. If they don’t, we have to assume that no matter what stupid thing Carville says speaks for them, too. He was talking about the President of the United States—President of all the people. What he said is no less offensive than Rush Limbaugh’s “I hope he fails” remarks. Don’t these fools know that if the President fails, our country fails? To me, that’s treason!
If Carville is such a big Democrat, why is he having such a problem supporting a President who is Black? Clearly, he’s a Democrat when the Democrat he’s talking about is white. He knows how to draw the line with his silly antics. However, like so many others, he feels free to say just anything about this President. I am just as sick of these part-time Democrats as I am of “just say no’’ Republicans. When you look at how many Blue Dogs (another group of part-time Democrats) were defeated last election, it seems many people are sick of part-time Democrats. Good riddance!
Carville thinks his antics are cute, but they say more about him than they do about the people he tries to insult. We’ve got to start calling out these vile people who never used such language with any other President. Some of them just can’t hold it anymore. Racism is pouring out!
President Obama has reached out to so many who did not deserve his attention. It’s time to say, “To hell with them” and move on with those of us who recognize that he’s stopped the hemorrhaging he inherited and has begun a recovery to save our country from total disaster. He has done it against the greatest of odds. If these people would just open their eyes, ears and minds, they would see the hundreds of improvements made under this President.
(Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. is National Chair, National Congress of Black Women, Inc. To reach her, see http//www.nationalcongressbw.orgor call 202/678-6788)