Crazy Like A Cat – The Gantt Report
My dogs and cats are always outside unless the temperature gets way below freezing. Both my dogs and cats have to work to stay around me. My dogs keep people in check and my cats keep snakes, lizards, field mice and other unwelcomed critters away from my home.
Katt, my cat named after the comedian, is crazy! Katt insists on jumping onto the top of my car or the cars of people that visit me. No matter how many times I tell Katt not to jump on my car and leave his dirty paw prints all over the hood and trunk he does it anyway. I threatened to kill him, stop feeding him and even to take him to the animal shelter but Katt continues to jump on top of my car and dirty it even when my car has just been washed and waxed.
Well, Katt is just like some Democratic candidates.
No matter how many times you tell Democrats that Black voters are their most solid and supportive political base, Democratic candidates continue to refuse, reject, ignore and disrespect Black voters!
They won’t listen The Democratic candidates are essentially just like my cat.
People say that “history is the best teacher”. If you look at recent Democratic history for non-Black presidential candidates, you will see that Democratic candidates that do not get Black votes almost always lose elections.
If no ethnic voters voted and elections were battles between white Democrats and white Republicans, no Democrat could even dream of Election Day victories.
So, you don’t have to wonder why Republicans, according to polls, are election front runners in states where there are more registered Democrats than there are registered Republicans.
The Republican candidates are expected to win because the Democratic candidates cannot motivate and inspire their political base and the Republicans can motivate their conservative base!
Black voters are tired of listening to the lies and false promises of candidates that claim that they love Black voters. Black voters are tired of contributing money to political campaigns that never ever trickle back into Black communities by way of campaign contract opportunities for Black vendors and political professionals. Black voters are sick and tired of putting candidates of one political party first and that same political party puts Black people last!
Blacks are the last to get campaign contracts, last to get campaign jobs, last to get political advertising and the last to get political respect.
You may think there is a difference between political parties and political candidates but they all treat Black voters and Black people the same way, all parties feel that Blacks are insignificant, incompetent, inadequate and incapable of being the winning margin in political campaigns.
The Gantt Report thinks that Black voters are the key to political victory or a political loss. The candidate that gets a high percentage of Black voters will win and the candidate that gets a low percentage of Black votes coupled with a low voter turnout will lose.
White voters are divided. Black voters are the ones that decide which candidates end up in the White House or the State House or the dog house!
If you keep on doing the same thing with the same losing consultants and expecting different results, you are just as crazy as my cat!
(Become a fan of The Gantt Report on Facebook> Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)