Alex Sink and Lucius Gantt

By Lucius Gantt- Right before the 2010 General Election in Florida members of Florida largest Black media companies were asked who should be used to place ads for Democratic candidates in the Black Press.
A majority of the major Black media owners suggested my company, All World Consultants, but some Negro representatives of the Democratic Party suggested the Party consider other placement alternatives because “Lucius Gantt has been HARD on Alex Sink”. All World was recommended because of the company’s fairness to all Black media owners.
Before I comment about how stupid the suggestion was, I should first tell you that Alex Sink didn’t say I was too “hard”. Sink’s husband, Bill McBride, didn’t say I was too hard and not a single soul said I lied or misrepresented something said in The Gantt Report about Florida’s Chief Financial Officer.
The Negro suggestion that Democratic Party officials and candidates should shun the best, most influential and most desirable Black political professionals is at the heart of some issues that will prevent Democrats from winning as many races as they should.
The Negroes in the Democratic Party prefers that Democrats spend money with Black businesses that they can control.
No problem with me, but common sense will tell you A-N-W-D will not do! Any Negro won’t do if a political party seeks to generate as many votes as possible.
Other political parties, the more successful political parties in Florida try to hire the best people. They don’t care what party you belong to, what union you belong to, what Constitutional rights you exercise or what color you are. Some parties just want to win. You campaign for a political position and play the political game to win!
Let me just make one more comment about Alex Sink and Lucius Gantt.
Early this summer, Romerio Perkins, a friend of the Sink-McBride family and Sink campaign fund raiser, asked me to help Alex Sink. I said I would. A meeting was held at a big Tallahassee Law Firm and the Sink staff was given detailed descriptions about how I and other Blacks attending the meeting could help Sink win.
No one heard back from Sink or her campaign staff after the meeting. Reports indicated that Sink would spend the majority of her campaign funds on television ads and ultra expensive political consultants.
Now, within weeks of the election, the campaign is seeking to utilize political talents and skills that were offered to the campaign months ago, before qualifying was over, before early voting and before thousands of absentee ballots were requested and absentee votes cast.
I wasn’t hard on Alex Sink. I tried to give Alex Sink an issue that would carry her into the governor’s office. The only problem was that I wanted Mrs. Sink to stand up against financial criminals like beast bankers that would forge documents and violate laws to foreclose on the homes of poor and minority homeowners.
I am not an enemy of Alex Sink. I wish the Sink election effort well. She had enough campaign money to hire any Black political professional she wanted to and she and her political party chose vendors that knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they could not delver all that Sink and the Democrats wanted.
I was never “hard” on Alex Sink. I told the truth and the truth sometimes hurts!
The truth about my business is that any candidate that hired All World never had a word written about them in The Gantt Report that they didn’t desire. Political consulting operates under the “Golden Rule”, the candidates that spend money in the Black community rule on Election Day! (Become a friend of The Gantt Report on Facebook. Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)