Today’s Black Man

By Lucius Gantt – Now is the time for all Black males to come to the aide of their families and their communities. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for Black men to come together, to stand up and to speak out about the issues that impact our lives and the lives of our loved ones!
Our beloved ancestors loved their families and their communities. We were once a people that were united and harmonious. We loved to sing and dance. We took pride in the well being and safety of our people and we would fight to protect everything that we loved and cherished.
But over the long hard years of slavery, oppression and exploitation, we learned some bad habits.
The men of 2010 were not the first to seek to sleep with multiple women, we were not the first ones to abandon and deny our children and we were not the first ones to practice domestic violence by hitting and beating our women and children.
Many of the terrible things that Black men are often accused of are things that they picked up from their kidnappers that brought your forefathers here from the shores of Africa.
But we are in a unique position to stop the vicious cycle of Black injustice, Black neglect and Black disrespect. We can pray together, join together and work together to collectively improve our communities and enhance our lives.
At one time or another, many Black men were afraid to take control of their destinies. They were afraid to attend a thousand man march, afraid to be seen in the presence of community activists or rebellious preachers. They were afraid to take responsibility and to demand accountability.
Today, there is, or should be, a new generation of Black men that loves God and hates the devil!
If our young men are not afraid to go across oceans and deserts to fight Taliban in Afghanistan and to fight the fiercest fighters in the Middle East, The Republican Guard of Iraq, then they shouldn’t be afraid to fight the Republicans in Florida and in other states in America. They shouldn’t be scared to fight conservative Democrats and any other political party, hate group, beast banker or individuals that seek to destroy the Black family and the black community.
If you don’t want to stand up for fear of losing your government job, your title or your imaginary status, at least support the Black men that stand up and speak out for you!
A lot of people are quiet as a mouse and slow as a snail when things appear all right but as soon as they get reprimanded, fired or laid off, they run to the NAACP, run to the SCLC or run to the local newspaper or community activist and scream about how they have been mistreated.
I say if you supported each other, supported your women and children, supported your community organizations and community activists all along, you wouldn’t have to beg for help at the last minute.
Start today to change your lives. 2010 is an election year and just like in every election year, Black people will be running……for their lives!
This is the year of the ballot but it also may be a year for the bullet. If Black men don’t begin to reinvent themselves, unite and take care of their families and extended family members, believe in each other, patronize each other’s businesses, respect each other and love each other, we might as well put the devil’s gun to our heads and pull the trigger.
Together we will survive, divided and disgusted, we are dead! Become a fan of The Gantt report on Facebook. Buy Gantt’s book “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and contact Lucius at www.allworldconsultants.net)