Cleveland, Ohio – George C. Fraser, Founder and Chairman of FraserNet, Inc. and the PowerNetworking Conference makes nearly a $350 million dollar commitment to help Black students build their personal support network of relationships. The program is entitled, TheYESNet: The Youth Empowered to Succeed Network.
The Network’s goal is to provide 1 million Black students (ages 17-25) with free and easy access to critical contacts and other networking products and services over the next 5 years. A student membership is valued at $349 each, but will be underwritten by FraserNet, and provided free of charge to students 17-25 years old.
TheYESNet memberships will enhance student’s development at an earlier stage in life, and help them advance beyond just a college education or additional training. It’s structured to help students to not only excel in their education but to also build the key relationships/network they will need to succeed at work, home and in the community.
Students will get a jump on their success by accessing FraserNet’s network of 51,000 top Black professionals, business owners and community leaders. A network Fraser built over the last 25 years.
“One good contact in our network, plus the total membership experience could be priceless for students as they move forward in life” says George Fraser.
Student members will benefit free of charge from FraserNet’s products/services to include:
Access and connectivity to FraserNet’s “state of the art” mobile and texting platform
Blog to post questions regarding networking, building wealth, career and business development for ”real time” experts to answer
Access to a web-based SuccessGuide Worldwide directory, listing over 10,000 top Black professionals, entrepreneurs and community leaders
Weekly PowerNetworking Minute e-zine and texting with tips, facts and ideas on how to succeed
Quarterly PowerTalk SkypeConference featuring “A” list experts who will instruct students on building wealth, their career or entrepreneurship
Admittance to the annual national PowerNetworking Conference for the first 500 students with a 3.5 GPA (value $695 each)
Bestselling Success Runs in Our Race audio book download (the Bible on building effective relationships and how to properly network)
“Our students have untapped and unharnessed potential waiting to be unleashed and may not be where they want to be regarding their network of key contacts. In addition, most students are not sure of how to get access to key contacts to answer their questions and give them guidance and motivation. By participating in the TheYESNet Student Membership Network free of charge, the answers are right there in our network”. “If we’re not helping them and giving back, then what in the world are we doing? We must be willing to share our success and to help others succeed” Fraser says.
“We plan to seek corporate support and partner with mentoring groups (i.e. 100 Black Men, National Cares Mentoring Movement, etc.), community service organizations, churches and colleges to provide free memberships as value added benefits to the students within their influence” says Dr. Fraser.
“Student members will have access to Black America’s best networking tools and resources. They’ll be able to gain key contacts and new opportunities early on and be part of a community of people helping people and adding value to each other’s lives. The most potent combination in the 21st Century for Black children will be education/skills and building productive and meaningful relationships. As part of the FraserNet core values students will also be encouraged to reach down and lift up those who are younger and less fortunate” says Fraser.
“We need as many positive young people as possible joining to offset the negative image often portrayed of Black youth in the mainstream media. Together we can all help to make a change” says Dr. Fraser. To sign up, students ages 17-25 simply need to go to www.frasernet.com or on your mobile phone go to www.frasernet.mobi and click on “TheYESNet” and fill out a short form to become an official member and receive free benefits.